Regarding Education and Knowledge Dissemination actions, the OCRC develops inside and outside Unicamp borders workshops for people of all ages, speeches, academic events as well as of diffusion which intend to bring closer to science the non-specialist people of different communities and city of origin. To do it so, a variety of events that consist of several activities such as: theater performance with plays of scientific base, exhibitions for infant, teenage and adult audiences with emphasis on prevention of obesity and related diseases that may be prevented and treated though nutrition approaches and motivation towards appropriate physical activities.
The interfaces are varied so that some interventions result in partnerships for specific events for its accomplishments, including with other RIDCs. The OCRC also participates of National Programs for Scientific Initiation Research for undergraduate and high school students, by developing projects with potential social impact such as the development of Apps, educational board games, educational graphic material for teachers’ and students’ support.
The OCRC has also produced material for diffusion and knowledge dissemination such as cartoon magazines and upload of articles to its websites – www.ocrc.org.br and www.sobrepeso.com.br – social networks and blogs meaning the dissemination of its actions.
EDC Team:
Fone: +55 19 3521-2695
Wesley Sales – Bolsista SAE
Lucas Campos – Bolsista TT-1