Leonardo dos Reis Silveira

Pesquisador Associado
Tem experiência na área de Fisiologia e Bioquímica, com ênfase em Fisiologia e Bioquímica do exercício, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: metabolismo muscular, estresse oxidativo, expressão de gênica. Palavras-Chave: Mitocôndria, biogênese mitocondrial, metabolismo celular e regulação molecular do metabolismo
Institute of Biology – University of Campinas

Mitochondrial Molecular Biology Laboratory 

This laboratory studies broad aspects of molecular processes that regulates mitochondrial bioenergetics and its biogenesis process in peripheral tissues of mammals with focus on new targets capable of enhancing mitochondrial function and consequently reversing metabolic dysfunction.





  • Alvaro Bernardino
  • Lais Oliveira


  • Thyerre Santana Da Costa
  • Henrique Bacci
  • Patrick Hideki


  1. Silveira, L.R.; Pilegaard, H.; Kusuhara, K.;Curi R; Hellsten, Y. The contraction induced increase in gene expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)-gamma coactivator 1alpha (PGC-1a), mitochondrial uncoupling protein 3 (UCP3) and hexokinase II (HKII) in primary rat skeletal muscle cells is dependent on reactive oxygen species. Biochimica Biophysica Acta. Molecular Cell Research, v. 1763, p. 969-976, 2006. Fator Impacto: 5.12.
  2. Hellsten, Y; Nielsen JJ; Lykkesfeldt, J; Bruhn, M; Silveira, L.R, Pilegaard, H; Bangsbo, J. Antioxidant supplementation enhances the exercise-induced increase in mitochondrial uncoupling protein 3 and endothelial nitric oxide synthase mRNA content in human skeletal muscle. Free Radical Biology & Medicine, v. 43, p. 353-361, 2007. Fator Impacto: 5,65.
  3. Silveira, LR.;Pereira-da-Silva, L.; Juel, C.; Hellsten, Y. Formation of hydrogen peroxide and nitric oxide in rat skeletal muscle cells during contactions. Free Radical Biology & Medicine, USA, v. 35, n.5, p. 455-464, 2003. Fator Impacto: 5,65.
  4. Barbosa, MR; Sampaio, IH; Teodoro, B. G.; Sousa, TA; Zoppi, Claudio C.; Queiroz, AL; Passos, M. O; Alberici, LC; Teixeira, FR; Manfiolli, AO; Batista, TM; Cappelli, AP; Reis, RI; Frasson, D, Kettelhut, IC, Parreiras-e-Silva, L.T; Costa-Neto, CM; Carneiro, Everardo M; Curi RSilveira, LR. Hydrogen peroxide production regulates the mitochondrial function in insulin resistant muscle cells: Effect of catalase overexpression. Biochimica Biophysica Acta. Molecular Basis of Disease, 1832(10):1591-604, 2013. Fator Impacto: 5,15.
  5. Teodoro, BG; Sampaio, IH; Bomfim LHM; Queiroz, AL;Carneiro, EM; Alberici; Cipolla-Neto, J; Amaral, FG; Lima TI, Uyemura SA; Silveira, LR*; Vieira E*. Melatonin prevents mitochondrial dysfunction and insulin resistance in rat skeletal muscle. Journal Pineal Research, 57(2):155-67, 2014. * Último autor.  Fator Impacto: 9,6.
  6. Lima TI, Guimarães D, Sponton CH, Bajgelman MC, Palameta S, Toscaro JM, Reis O, Silveira Essential role of PGC-1α/PPARβ axis in Ucp3 gene induction. J Physiol. 2019, Fator Impacto: 4,95.
  7. de-Lima-Júnior JC, Souza GF, Moura-Assis A, Gaspar RS, Gaspar JM, Rocha AL, Ferrucci DL, Lima TI, Victório SC, Bonfante ILP, Cavaglieri CR, Pareja JC, Brunetto SQ, Ramos CD, Geloneze B, Mori MA, SilveiraLR, Segundo GRS, Ropelle ER, Velloso LA. Abnormal brown adipose tissue mitochondrial structure and function in IL10 deficiency. 2019;39:436-447. Fator Impacto: 6,68.
Para entrar em contato com Leonardo dos Reis Silveira e seu laboratório utilize as informações a seguir:
Laboratório de Pâncreas Endócrino e Metabolismo
Centro de Pesquisa em Obesidade e Comorbidades - 2º Andar
Instituto de Biologia - Bloco Z
Rua Carl Von Linaeus - s/n - Cidade Universitária
Campinas - SP, 13083-864


E-mail: [email protected]
+55 19 3521-6191